What is Reiki



cg_esthetics_reiki_treatment_07_jpg_71959[1]Reiki is believed to improve just about any aspect of life, from physical health to emotional well-being to stress reduction and mental clarity.

Reiki is a spiritual healing method that was developed during the mid-19th century by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese physician and monk.  The Japanese word  “Reiki” means ‘Universal Energy’.


The session is usually carried out with the client fully clothed, lying down or sitting, in a comfortable and peaceful environment. The practitioner places her hands gently, in a series of positions, on or slightly over the body. The client’s system automatically draws in only as much Reiki as is needed; using it in whatever way is most appropriate at the time. Reiki may be felt as a flow of energy, mild tingling, warmth, coolness, other sensations, or nothing at all. It is deeply relaxing, eases stress and reduces negative energies. Reiki helps harmonize our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.



Woman Getting a Reiki treatment

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