About Sandra


A “Life project” which originated at a time of pain that required healing to restore my Soul & Spirit and find in my own  resources, soul energy of my body and mind, the essential component of my emotional fulfillment, strengths and well-being.

I’ve first experienced Reiki for myself, and realized that I could also treat and heal others. I went through required certifications in 2015 and became a Reiki Practitioner. I have, in parallel, followed workshops in Acupressure Emotional Balancing, to extend my knowledge and bring complement to my Reiki practices. I am combining my new activities along with my current Sr. Executive Assistant Position in San-Jose, California.

I am thankful to my parents and my children Louisa and Hugo, who are my unchanging sources of Love.

My Dearest friends, T, K ,S who have always believed in me and supported me throughout my projects relentlessly. Real friends are the one who stay close to you even though you are less attractive, more unstable, they stick to you when you are unable to control your anger, your anxiety and fears. They are not judging of your silence or your overwhelmed reactions. They are patient, caring – My real friends are made of Love and I am thankful to have them in my life.

To C, Thank You for being here with me 🙂  2015 Lessons Learned : “‘It’s Not How Far You Fall, It’s How Fast You Recover”.

Finally, to my long time Old friend, without whom this new endeavor would have never existed.

These sorrows so deep and intense, that make you feel somehow stronger and alive, and to discover your inner peace, to embrace the real purpose of your LIFE!  Color Your Soul – 2015


Paris, 13 Novembre 2015

Mes pensées se tournent vers les victimes des attentats – et nous rappelle malgré nous, de la manière la plus sauvage, que la vie est courte et qu’il relève de notre volonté de la rendre plus belle,
chaque jour,  en prenant d’abord soin de
soi-même pour pouvoir ainsi prendre soin de l’autre ❤



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