2016 Amour, Espoir, Gratitude, Rêve

J’ai reçu ce merveilleux message d’une amie, long time not seen far away in distance but close to my heart. J’aimerais le partager, et vous le transmettre à mon tour. “Chaque jour est unique, chaque année est une promesse de renouveau et de découvertes. Que des milliers de petites joies viennent embellir ta vie. Je te souhaite une année … More 2016 Amour, Espoir, Gratitude, Rêve

Christmas White !

In my practice of Reiki , I regularly use white. This color is not directly connected to a chakra but it inspires me. I associate most often the treatment of heart to the white. Our heart is of great care, it is the symbol of our emotional balance. Our heart dissociates from our minds as … More Christmas White !

Color me Blue Today!

Opening and Balancing your throat chakra so that you can channel your dreams and visions through the gift of speech and words. You listen deeply and you speak with conviction. Your heart and mind are well connected and You let yourself feel and express your emotions. I am sending the inspiring blue of the Mediterranean sea, … More Color me Blue Today!

What is Reiki

  Reiki is believed to improve just about any aspect of life, from physical health to emotional well-being to stress reduction and mental clarity. Reiki is a spiritual healing method that was developed during the mid-19th century by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese physician and monk.  The Japanese word  “Reiki” means ‘Universal Energy’. The session … More What is Reiki